Thursday, November 1, 2007

Needy Veterans to get a boost at weekend events
For 30 houss starting at 8 AM, the dilemmas of where to sleep, what to eat and who to turn to for a job will be the last things hard luck War heroes will fret about.
500 homeless soldiers are expected to march themeselves to a "Stand Down" at Clifford Park on Massachusetts Avenue in Dorchester.
Ease back into normal civilian life
It is disturbing to see how many elderly veterans are homeless.
They served their Nation, did their duty, look forward to living in a shelter if you can find a bed!!
Homeless vets will be able to camp out in Clifford Park in sleeping bags provided for them.
They can obtain Medical Sercices, ride the MBTA for free and get assistance with drivers liciences, Housing and taxes.
Their will be a Job Fair.
Sean Lunde and Iraq War Vetran now serving as program coordinator for the State Department of Veterans Services.

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